The 100 Rep Workout.. try this circuit today!

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You read right.. you will complete 100 repetitions of each exercise in this circuit 🙂

Looking for a new full body challenge? Give this one a try. What makes it so special is that it is all goal oriented. By the end you’ll have completed 100 repetitions of each exercise.. Now that’s quite the ambitious goal; yet so rewarding at the end!

I do this kind of workout with my bootcampers and PT clients once in a while and they always get a kick out of it. What’s more gratifying than knowing you just completed 100 reps of a certain exercise? How about completing 100 reps of 4 different exercises, all in the same workout. That’s right! Yes, my clients may curse me as I explain their challenge ahead, yet all this is forgotten afterward when they are re-energized and high fiving after realizing what they just achieved. The key with this kind of format, is to choose exercises that target different muscle groups at once in order not to fatique one particular muscle to failure before being able to complete all the reps, since we have 100 of them to do after all!

This is the exact workout I did with a group of mine recently. Afterward, I got a few asking me to send them the workout so they could try it on their own. So I decided just to post it for all of you to try! Remember this is a tough one, but you feel so amazing after you’re done!  Give it a try and let me know how it went. Feel free to post any comments/questions on my Facebook or Twitter pages. Or contact me directly

Q & A – What’s More Important For Reaching My Weight Loss Goals: Cardio or Strength Training?

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My answer in short, is BOTH. But lets delve into WHY!

First off let me start by addressing this very common mentality people still have of needing to separate cardio exercise from weight training. This way of thinking is out-dated and just plain false. Many of us are still influenced by this old-school mindset which falsely labels and separates 2 “types” of exercising at extreme ends of the spectrum- Either you weight lift to bulk up like a bodybuilder OR you do an hour of steady state aerobic exercise to lean out like a marathon runner.

#Workout – 8 Exercise Full Body Circuit

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Today’s workout involves a circuit of 8 exercises that target pretty much the whole body, with a focus (as always) on core work. As stated many a time before, I love timed exercises! They lend themselves to various fitness levels since one can go at their own pace for the time allotted. I often use this kind of structured circuit for my own bootcamps. My participants always comment on how quickly the workout goes by this way!

Full Body Workout -> 2 Minute Super Sets

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Alright kids.. Here we go with another Just Get Fit workout..
As usual, this one utilizes very little equipment and space, yet tackles the whole body (upper, lower, core, and cardio of course!).
Again, we’re working with the clock. You know I looove timed workouts (hence the stopwatch in my logo!) This one is very simple and direct… yet VERY CHALLENGING.. but that’s why we’re here isn’t it? – to get a no nonsense full body workout and be able to fit it in with our schedule and whatever space we have to complete it in!

Workout Challenge: Strength / Cardio Superset

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Have I got a killer workout for you! This one targets every muscle, and gets your heart rate sky rocketing all at the same time. We are literally super-setting a strength circuit with a cardio blasting one.. Definitely best bang for your workout time. Give it a go. As usual, all you need are a couple of weights, a timer, and your kick ass energy…

Pair of dumbbells (5-10lbs. Nothing too heavy, lots of shoulder work here)
Timer. Use a regular stopwatch or I use the Gymboss timer for all my workouts.


Simply Tough Workout – Timed Supersets

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Today’s workout involves exactly what the title reveals. A superset is essentially 2 exercises performed back to back, and in this case, for a given amount of time- 3 minutes. It is very simple in terms of space, as well as equipment.. because there is none needed! In terms of difficulty, it is up to you. It will be a  VERY challenging full body workout… if… IF you push yourself at a solid pace for the full 3 minutes and with minimal break between the different supersets.  A huge advantage of timed workouts is one can push themselves to their own abilities and at their own pace, making this an ideal method for groups of different fitness levels.


First Workout of the Year: Back To Basics = Success

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2014 is in full gear. Some of us have all sorts of resolutions to get fitter. I believe sometimes we try to do to much, push ourselves past our fitness limits in the new year; hence why the same gyms that are crammed the first few weeks of the year, become deserted by the time February rolls around. I’ve seen this year in year out in every gym I’ve worked at or fitness class I’ve taught.. And I KNOW you know it’s true too come on!
So first workout of the year is a simple 10 exercise circuit. Complete just 10 reps of each before moving to the next; that’s right no more than 10. We want to ease ourselves back into exercise shape. We don’t want to injure our body trying to put it in overdrive.. It’s just not worth it! It will only discourage you even more and delay your goals of getting back on that exercise horse.. Don’t worry you have a whole year ahead to up the tempo!

In this circuit, your focus is on the basics and just completing each repetition of each exercise with proper form. No need to rush or go through as fast as you can. Don’t ever sacrifice speed of execution for form!
We can’t argue that there is nothing quite like the feeling of successfully completing a challenge, and this is my first fitness challenge for you in 2014.. So go get it!! SUCCESS..


Best of 2013 Music Mix **FREE DOWNLOAD**

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Hi everyone,

Another year has come to an end, which means we must make the most of what was 2013.. So here it is, in one of my favorite forms, one of my passions- MUSIC!

Most […]

Workout Circuit: THE 6 X 6 X 6

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This is another short one (10-15 min approx). I like these little circuits because they take very little time, equipment, and you still manage to hit most of your muscle groups – Shoulders from the presses; Back from the rows; glutes, quads, hams from the squats and deadlifts; Core from the planks – Et Voila! FULL BODY BABY!

Also, moving from one exercise to the next quickly allows you to get your heart rate up as well, and of course takes out any boredom from your workout. Ideal for the ADD client (and me lol)
Since it is short, feel free to add this to your cardio routine for example doing this after your run or spin class in order to make into a full body workout.
Try it out and let me know what you think!

New Workout Playlist – My Favorite Remixes #1

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10 of my favorite remixes of great tunes to add to your workout playlist. Use these a ton in my spin classes.. Participants (and myself) love love remixes of their favorite songs to push […]