About Justine Keyserlingk

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So far Justine Keyserlingk has created 100 entries.

My Superfood of the Moment: Nutritional Yeast

|Blog, Nutrition|

Nutritious AND flavour-loaded, NY will ad a huge punch to any meal! 


“Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger ” Best way to view your health

|Blog, Exercise, Inspiration|


Recipe: Healthy Butternut Squash Fries

|Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

Now that Fall is officially under way, so winter squash season here in Ontario. So many beautiful varieties  to choose from; one of my personal favorites being butternut squash, especially baked in the oven as “fries”. Yes fries! They are delicious. True they don’t get quite as crispy as potato fries. That is because they are much less starchy and contain more water (they actually shrink quite a bit when baked). Not to mention the type of starch found in winter squash have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-diabetic and insulin-regulating properties. Sounds like a win win situation!

Urban Warrior Update : Deal is Done. Congrats Pam!

|Blog, Urban Warrior|

Pam completed her Urban Warrior race this past Saturday in Toronto. I was there from start to finish and I have never seen anyone as excited and ready to take on this new challenge. As you may or may not know, Pam was my ambassador for this race as she was representing Just Get Fit, and did so with flying colours. After months of training and completing road races and a duathlon, this was the final test (at least until her next training goal 😉 ) Even though she may have been the oldest ambassador there, being surrounded by a bunch of fit twenty and thirty year old crossfit pros, she was not intimidated by any of that. She fit right in among the group and barrelled her way from start to finish in this course which combined 10km of running with various obstacles along the way, including wall climbing and sand bag carrying. Way to go Pam!!

                Pam holding her own in pre-race ambassador pic!

Workout : 10 x 10 full body circuit

|Blog, Exercise|

Want a challenge? Try this one out, and time yourself while you’re at it..


Recipe: Protein packed kale & zucchini noodle salad

|Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

While the summer months are coming to an end there is still time to load up on fresh cool ingredients like a delicious salad loaded with super food goodness. This is one of my faves, and will keep you full and feeling healthy in and out!

Interval Training : What is it? And a workout for you to try..

|Blog, Exercise|

Interval training is a type of physical training  that involves bursts of high-intensity work interspersed with periods of low-intensity work. The high-intensity periods are typically at or close to near-maximum exertion while the recovery periods may involve either complete rest or activity of lower intensity.

Guest Blog Post: Trendy Kale

|Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

My friend and fellow Nutritionist Ashleigh was great to write a guest blog post for Just Get Fit on her vast knowledge of this nutritionally packed vegetable. She is also a kale chip making expert; so Ashleigh shares with us her secret to making the perfect kale chips. Yes I’ve had them a bunch of times, and they are definitely delicious, if not slightly addictive! Read on for some impressive health facts and a yummy recipe to finish off..
Kale has become trendy. Yes, kale, as in the leafy green vegetable. It has become the cool kid in class – the football player with the 95% academic average who is going to Yale next year. Kale is going to Yale! Anne Hathaway did a kale diet. NBC profiled Uma Thurman’s “Smash” smoothie, which includes kale. Toronto has a restaurant named Kale (delicious, by the way). It’s even becoming an increasingly popular baby name.

Exercise for Disease Prevention

|Blog, Exercise|

A big reason why I chose my field of expertise -as both a fitness professional and holistic nutritionist, is to have people realize that our overall level of health is the result of many interacting factors of such as, physical activity (or lack of), diet, environment & stress. Yes genetics plays a part in predisposing us to certain conditions BUT as one of my professors engrained in my mind so wisely: “Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.” So why not make our own health a priority through wise choice and practice-  two factors we have most control over.

This study, being conducted as we speak, is a perfect example of what I am speaking of: Exercise studied as breast cancer prevention


Recipe: Coconut Fennel Crusted Salmon

|Blog, Recipes|

 I got a lot of requests for this recipe that I posted a picture for on the net and left everyone in the dark about how I made it.. There is something about the flavour combination of coconut and fennel which is magical- the two complement each other so perfectly.
