Today’s workout is super basic and takes very little time to complete (about 7-8min total) YET it is extremely challenging and delivers great results! How? Well it demands no equipment other than maybe a mat (I’ve done it with no mat) and your own body weight. Your core will be working throughout each exercise, as will the muscles in your upper body as they push and hold you up.

This is a go-to workout of mine when I’m short on time and space yet still want to challenge my core & arms in a way that will have them reminding me of my hard work for hours, days after. Here’s how it goes..


  • Mat
  • Timer. Use a regular stopwatch or I use the Gymboss timer for all my workouts.


  • Complete the 6 rounds below of 3 exercises (push-ups, plank, bicycle crunches) back to back
  • Each round has increased number of reps/secs making it more challenging as you move ahead.
  • Try to move right to the next round of push-ups when you’re done your crunches.
  • This will not take very long to complete but trust me if you move from one exercise to the next with minimal rest you will be feeling muscles in your core you never thought you had, as well as supporting muscles (shoulders, pecs, lats and triceps) for days after!
  • Bonus advanced option: After you’ve completed the challenge, take a small break (60sec max) then get right back to it but now starting from round 6 down to round 1, forming a work pyramid. Warning – Only for advanced.. and slightly crazy people 😉
  1. 10 Push-ups / 10 sec Straight arm plank / 10 bicycle crunches *
  2. 12 Push-ups / 20 sec Straight arm plank / 20 bicycle crunches
  3. 14 Push-ups / 30 sec Straight arm plank / 30 bicycle crunches
  4. 16 Push-ups / 40 sec Straight arm plank / 40 bicycle crunches
  5. 18 Push-ups / 50 sec Straight arm plank / 50 bicycle crunches
  6. 20 Push-ups / 60 sec Straight arm plank / 60 bicycle crunches

*See video for proper form on crunches. Do not pull on your neck. Keep elbows out throughout. Think about reaching your shoulder (not elbow) toward your opposite knee.