This workout is very simple yet super effective. The focus is on core and upper body. Give it a go if you dare!
- 2 sets of dumbbells – 1 medium + 1 lighter for the reverse flies. (*if you don’t have 2 sets of dbs you can always use cans or even tennis balls as the reverse fly does not demand a very heavy weight since it targets a very small yet important set of muscles behind the shoulders.)
- Complete the following 10 exercises back to back as a circuit with no break in between – 10 reps of each.
- Complete 5 rounds of the circuit taking 60-90 sec break between each round.
- Aim for 8-9 minutes to complete each round.
The Workout (scroll over selected exercises for video demos):
- Burpees w/ pushup (option to just pushup for lower impact)
- V-ups (arms overhead)
- Plank shoulder taps (x10/side)
- Forearm plank + knee to elbow (x10/side)
- “Windshield Wiper” abs (x10/side)
- Renegade rows (x10/side)
- Shoulder presses
- Lying leg to hip raise
- Forearm plank hip drops (x10/side)
- Reverse flies