I know not everyone has the chance , or money to buy their bread at health food stores and most of us definitely don’t have time to make our own bread. Yes it’s definitely a fact that most pre-packaged bread in grocery stores are filled with tons of preservatives and are not what I would call “healthy” by any means. But, if you do a bit of research and read your labels, you’ll be able to find a few diamonds in the rough!


Here are a few tips to help you out:.

1. Look for bread made from whole grains. (eg. wheat, oat, rye, barley.) Avoid those with the word “refined”. “Enriched unbleached flour” is another common one. You want whole grains because they’re naturally low in fat and cholesterol free; high in protein, and offer loads of healthy fiber, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.  Grains, in their natural state, also provide so many health benefits, including protection from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity.. Also, Make sure that the whole grain is listed first in the ingredients list and marked “100% Whole Wheat (or other grain) Bread”. Any 100% whole grain bread-whether it be wheat or another type-are going to be your best bets in this food category.

2. The less ingredients the better. And stick to words that you know and can pronounce      *See example below of healthy label found in supermarket

3. Don’t be fooled by “diet” or “light” breads which are promoted as being lower in calories. Often, “light” bread means a smaller serving size and a product that has had everything natural and whole extracted and then refined with other stuff to make it have less calories. The result is a product void of all the healthy calories like grains, and protein, which actually give us the health benefits and make us fell full and satisfied. What happens then? You’ll just get more hungry shortly after, which can lead to overeating later in the day!

4. Avoid those with sugar (or any of its aliases) in the ingredients list such as:

  • corn sweetener or syrup
  • high-fructose corn syrup
  • honey
  • invert sugar
  • malt sugar
  • molasses
  • words ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose)

5. What is a reliable brand to buy in our everyday grocery stores? One of my favorites is the Dimpflmeier brand. It is affordable and worlds better than most other types on the shelves. Most importantly they offer breads using certified organic whole grains. This is the kicker, so look for organic versions as much as possible.

Rye is one of my favorite grains for bread. Not only does it taste great, it is also naturally lower in gluten so it may be easier to digest for those with gluten sensitivities. Store rye in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place.
* Ingredients for Organic – 100% Rye Bread with Flaxseeds: Organic Rye Flour, Natural Spring Water, Sour Dough (Organic Rye Flour, Natural Spring Water, Bacterial Culture), Organic Flaxseeds, Salt.

Happy eating!
Have any questions on this post or anything else. Please feel free to contact me at justine@justgetfit.ca