Superfood: a nutritionally dense food, particularly beneficial for your overall health.

Eating well can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be that hard!  Taking small steps to improve your health can give you long-term benefits that can literally lengthen and improve your life. A lot of people worry that they won’t be able to give up their food vices, but why not start by adding healthy foods and go from there? Below is part 1 of 2 covering simple yet valuable additions you can make to your diet in the new year that may make a huge improvement in your overall health.
We start with four “superfoods” that can make a big impact…


spirulina-drinkDon’t be scared off by this algae that grows on the surface of lakes; it packs the craziest, most nutritionally dense punch imaginable. High in protein, Iron, B12 and Vitamin K, Spirulina is especially beneficial for vegetarians, anemics or anyone who struggles with Iron deficiency. It’s also been shown to protect your liver and improve brain function, making this a top contender to add to your daily routine.

Spirulina has a very strong seaweed taste- so this one is best to mix into a smoothie or take as a shot. E3 Live is a similar algae harvested from lakes and is available in health stores as well as offered in shot form at several natural health restaurants in Toronto, such as Fresh.


2) Chia 

chiaChia can be bought in seed or powder form and yes, they are seeds from the long forgotten Chia Pet. However unlike a tacky plant pet, the raw seeds of Chia are an incredible source of Omega 3 and Fiber which, when combined, improve heart health, lower your cholesterol, and keep you fuller longer.

Chia seeds, just like the also popular flax seeds (both have similar nutritional profies) can be added to almost anything you’re already eating, since they have a very mild taste that won’t change the flavor of your meal. Yet unlike flax, chia seeds don’t have to be ground in order for you to absorb the nutrients. You can sprinkle them, as is, on top of a salad, oatmeal, or mix them into your morning smoothies. You can also make delicious puddings from chia seeds- one of my favorite ways to eat them. The simple action of mixing them with a liquid (eg. Almond milk) forms a gelatinous mixture ideal for this kind of dish. Check out this recipe for chia pudding from Simple Bites.

3) Coconut Oil

coconut oilVirgin, cold-pressed Coconut oil is a plant based saturated fat. It is also nature’s richest source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). MCFAs are digested and immediately burned by your liver for energy — like carbohydrates, but without the insulin spike, which in moderation can help curb appetite, increase your metabolism and ultimately promote weight loss. It is also known to improve your blood pressure and boost your immune system.

Coconut Oil is also one of the safest oils to cook with, while Olive Oil should be used unheated when possible to keep the nutrients intact. Coconut Oil can be used in place of butter or any other oil for baking and cooking. Try experimenting with stir-fries and roasted vegetables!

4) Cacao

cocoa nibsAvailable in both powder and nib form, Cacao is the rawest form of chocolate (not to be confused with cocoa- the refined version). It is extremely high in antioxidants, and can even help improve your mood thanks to naturally occurring Anandamide and Phenerhylamine.

Cacao nibs have a slightly bitter taste that takes some getting used to. If you like dark chocolate, these might be just the healthier substitution for you. They can be thrown into cereal, smoothies, or used for baking. There are thousands of recipes for desserts using this raw form of super-chocolate, but my favorite use is to sprinkle them on top of almond butter toast or oatmeal for an added crunch and flavor.


So there you have a few great additions for your diet in 2014. Have you experimented with any of these ingredients? Have questions about these or another superfood you’ve heard about? Feel free to share your thoughts on my Facebook or Twitterpage and I’ll be glad to answer any of your questions!