Circuit Training – Beginner to Advanced Levels

|Blog, Exercise, Media Collaborations|

I recently had the privilege of contributing a full body circuit routine to a great new health and wellness site called Lifestyle Videos. I think these exercises will help push your fitness to the next level in the new year.

Here I take you through Circuit Training. Applying circuits — which is a series of exercises back to back, is both time efficient and requires little space or equipment.

I show how beginners to advanced fitness levels can target core, upper and lower body in this series. Exercises include: the push up, straight arm plank, forearm plank and squat.

Once you master this circuit you can find more on health, wellness and fitness on or find me at


5 Ways to Feel Healthier and Look Better Before Your Wedding Day

|Blog, Exercise, Media Collaborations, Nutrition|

Justine’s Guest Blog Contribution to

Every bride (and groom) wants to look and feel their best on their wedding day. We’ve asked friendly fitness expert Justine Keyserlingk of Just Get Fit to put together 5 […]

Arm Workout – Justine on

|Blog, Media Collaborations|

Let’s get our arms in shape to tackle the beautiful outdoors. Watch my simple arm workout that you can do right at home or even outside on your deck or garden if you want to get your daily dose of healthy vitamin D!
