Get a head start on your summer routine with these simple changes you can start today..

lemon water

The acronym ‘WEB’ I came up with below stands for the 3 most important points I cover right off the bat with my nutritional clients. Are you drinking enough water and at the right times? Secondly, when, what, and how much do you eat throughout the day. For this point, recording everything in a food journal is so beneficial since we often forget (or selectively forget as I call it) certain foods we eat, which in turn can be a huge determinant factor of our overall health and level of energy. And finally, breakfast is THE key meal I try to engrain in people as being what starts your internal engine for the rest of the day. The right breakfast sets you up for  success both physically and mentally! The wrong one, or no breakfast for that matter, is the  first step toward energy crashes and/or unhealthy food choices for the rest of the day.

breakfastTo make things a little simpler and less daunting, I wrote up this list of 10 tips you can apply today which will make a huge difference in your quality of living from now on! You may notice that you already practice some of these habits daily. Feel free to print out the list, put it on your fridge as a reminder, or even share with loved ones who you are trying to encourage to get healthier! 


1 )  Drink 1 glass of room temperature water upon awakening (preferably w/ fresh lemon juice)

2 )  Also, drink a glass of room temperature water 20 minutes before every meal or snack (try to avoid drinking with food)

3 )  Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day (more if you exercise or drink coffee)

4 )  Buy a water bottle that you like that you’ll WANT to carry around and fill up throughout the day. This will help remind you to drink water even when busy at work.



5 )  Never go more than 2-3 hrs without eating

6 )  Include a protein & fibre source at every meal (& at least one of these for snacks)

7 )  Eat what you enjoy! Stock your pantry/fridge with your favourite vegetables & fruit

8 )  Plan Prepare / Sit for all meals and snacks



9 )  Eat it everyday! – Preferably within 1 hour of awakening

10 )  If you exercise or work early – wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual to MAKE TIME to drink your water and sit to eat your breakfast!


“YOU are YOUR investment for YOUR future!”