We talk, hear, watch and read so much about all the ways to live “healthier” lives. 
Most of us know by now what changes we should/could make in order to reach a more optimal level of health (nutrition, exercise etc) but do we actually apply or even more importantly, stick with those changes? The key is to keep it simple, realistic, and long lasting. 5 points. Start with these..and you’re on the right path.  Print the list out if you need, put it up on your fridge and actually try some of these out. Start small, as this will lead to better success and more chance of you sticking to the healthier you in the long run!

1) Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is the simplest and most important thing you can do for you body. Most of us do not drink enough. Water does everything from improve energy, sleep, skin and digestion. Thirst can often be confused with hunger. So take a minute to think about what your body is really craving before reaching for that mid-afternoon cookie. Carrying a water bottle around or leaving a glass at your desk are two simple ways to remind yourself to drink. Keep track of your water intake each day. As a general guideline, aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water spread throughout the day (and more if you exercise a lot or drink coffee)


2) Eat less but more often

As we are busy with work, family, and just fitting everything we can into a day, we often forget to keep our bodies fueled to be able to accomplish these tasks efficiently. The last thing you want to be doing is skipping meals. The more time you leave between eating, the higher the chance of your blood sugar dropping. This can increase stress, irritability, and unnecessary binge eating later in the day. Plan to eat smaller meals every 3 hours. Keep your food dense, high in protein, fibre and complex carbs  – and of course, always include plenty of fruits, veggies, and nuts.


3) Beware of Empty Calories

This refers especially to liquid calories. Alcohol, sodas, and even fruit juices contain loads of calories with often little to zero nutritional value. We often don’t take into account fluids in our dietary intake because they don’t make us feel as satiated as solid foods. Instead, fill yourself up with water and replace those extra calories with nutritionally dense food that can also quench your thirst such as fresh fruit.


office-workouts-workplace-ecard-someecards4) Workout when you’re not working out

Squeeze it in when you can. Don’t limit exercise time to just the gym or a formal “jog”. We underestimate how important it is to be active throughout the day. I tell my clients this all the time – running on the treadmill for 30 minutes will never make up for the 12 hours you sit immobile at your desk. These changes can be as simple as using an exercise ball instead of a chair at your desk or getting off a few subway stops early to walk the last 20 minutes to your destination. Do this there and back and you’ve got yourself 40 minutes of extra time where your body is moving – and burning calories. If you are on the phone a lot at work, put that headset or bluetooth on and walk around the office as you chat. Those are the little things that make the big difference in the long run. Often, we are so caught up with planning a formal activity for exercise, we forget that it is what we do away from the gym which can make the biggest difference.


Partner-Lunge_SO_river_05) FIND A PARTNER IN CRIME

By working out with a friend, you have someone else holding you accountable to your workout and vice versa. Chances are you will commit simply because you know that person is counting on you. Together, you can encourage as well as challenge each other to succeed. I witnessed a great example of this recently when a regular Spinning student of mine attended my class without her friend who she always comes with. Her friend had fell ill and couldn’t make it that day. However, not only did her friend encourage my client to go without her, but she even picked her up and dropped her off at my class. That is what I call support & teamwork. With someone you care about by your side at the gym, you’ll find yourself looking forward to meeting up, working hard together, and patting one another on the back afterward!